A3A Token

3A's Governance Token

The A3A utility token is used to orchestrate the 3A’s ecosystem of partners, business clients, and end-users. The value generated in the 3A platform is returned to the A3A token holders.

The total A3A tokens minted at genesis is 1'000'000'000 and allocated as follows:

  • A3A in circulation (9.5%)

  • Stability Pool Rewards (10%)

  • Community Rewards (20%)

  • Community Fund (10%)

  • Team (20%)

  • Early supporters (10%)

  • DAO Treasury (20.5%)

Tokens for early supporters will be released gradually, over 4 years starting in 2023. Team tokens are subject to a 4-year vesting schedule.

Community fund tokens will never be released. Instead, they will be staked in the staking pool to earn cashbacks. These cashbacks will then be allocated by the community to the projects and causes they choose.

At launch, changes to the mechanisms on how the Stability and Cashback Pools are implemented, will be subject to the decision of the DAO managing members

Last updated