Linea Mainnet Contracts
A3A token (bridged from ethereum)
Governance token bridged from Ethereum
Controls contracts able to mint and burn EURO3
Stability Pool
Collects EURO3 for liquidations, users earn A3A rewards + liquidation rewards
Cashback Pool
Collects A3A tokens, users earn Protocol Fees (EURO3)
Vault Factory
The main frontend for interacting with Vaults
Vault Factory Zapper
Facilitates the creation of Vaults and manages their operations.
Vault Factory Helper
Helper for vault Factory to make easier to retrieve data
Vault Factory Helper V2
Helper for vault Factory to make easier to retrieve data by chunks
Vault Borrow Rate
Helper to calculate overall borrow rate for a given vault
Token To Price Feed
Manages mapping of each token for the respective price in EURO
Liquidation Router
Handles liquidation routing: 1) Stability Pool, 2) Auctions, 3) Community liquidations
Manages collateral and bad debt distribution for liquidation
Manages auctions for liquidating collateral in case of debt default
Owner Proxy
Allows the main owner to add fine-grained permissions to other operators
Serves as middleware to deploy smart vaults from vaultFactory
Allows to execute whitelisted methods for smart vaults. Such as claiming rewards.
Contract to get balances of multiple ERC20 tokens for a given owner
Supported Collateral
Liquidity Pools Contracts
USDC.e/EURO3 (Lynex - Stable v1 pool)
EURO3/A3A (Lynex - Fusion pool Algebra concentrated liquidity)
EURO3/A3A (Lynex - Volatile v1 pool)
USDC/A3A (GaugeV2)
Last updated