A3A Staking and Cashbacks
A3A can be used inside the protocol by both individual users and protocols/projects that have their own native tokens.
Individuals and projects who stake A3A tokens receive all the fees collected by the 3A platform. The fees are allocated proportionally to the A3A stake and are distributed as cashbacks and not as dividends. However, it’s impossible to receive any cashbacks just by staking A3A. Users need to interact with the platform and pay fees to benefit from the cashbacks.
The cashbacks are automatically calculated and distributed by the 3A protocol smart contracts.
The entire value of the ecosystem flows from end users and protocols to A3A stakers via Cashbacks
Cashback pools will have a lock-up period of six months and can be used to:
Cover EURO3 borrowing fees
Cover Fees for Premium Services
Repay EURO3 debt inside Vaults
Tokens can be unstaked at any time if a user needs to, but this will result in a 40% slash of the withdrawn tokens.
A3A demand will come from end users who want to offset 3A fees and automatically repay their EURO3 debt
Last updated